Exploring Flutter Desktop

1 min readJun 10, 2019

One of main selling point of Flutter is its ability to write once and deploy to multiple platforms. This is invaluable for certain businesses to be able to switch app from convenience of eg. writing using full-size keyboard on desktop to mobility and practicality of mobile device, all using (hopefully) the exact same set of features *and* interfaces without sacrificing much. This is certainly the case for our business where work times are divided almost equally between office and the field.

Flutter Desktop along with Flutter Web is not yet available in stable channel, though its technical preview is available for a while. To give you a taste of what Flutter Desktop (and Flutter in general) development is like, this is a walk through of creating a really simple application.

[Incomplete] Creating Flutter Desktop app

As you can see, Flutter Desktop tooling is not here yet. First, scaffold for desktop app unlike android/ios must be manually copied from Flutter embedded-desktop example project. Secondly, Flutter’s Visual Studio Code extention is not recognizing my desktop as debugging device though it just a matter of, again, a simple copy-and-paste configuration. Finally, we must explicitly override platform target and apply workaround for bug where text not showing up unless we override default font-family by the one from our assets. It may be because default font is not already installed on my desktop.


